Saturday, 22 December 2018

Merry Christmas

Thank you all for checking out the Fine line and the studio blog and for all your kind comments. I hope you have a great Christmas and that 2019 brings all the good things that you wish for.

Friday, 21 December 2018


"There's a land - oh, it beckons and beckons,
and I want to go back - and I will."

(Robert W Service)

"Let us build a tomorrow, build a nation strong and free; and the lord who dwells above us, he will bless our destiny."

(P J Peters)

Monday, 10 December 2018


"It is remarkable how very individual technique becomes in watercolour. Every man of personality finally arrives at a method peculiarly his own, as unique as his own fingerprint."

(Walter J Phillips)

"I'll stick to painting as long as I can."

(Tom Thomson)

Friday, 9 November 2018


"In my opinion nothing will ever open up this country for painting better than some forest fires on a vast scale."

(Edward Bawden)

"The sun rises on Newfoundland, sets on British Columbia, island to island. Chilly Atlantic mornings and warm Pacific sunsets. An arc that tracks a path from the dawn of an empire to its twilight."

(Will Ferguson)

Wednesday, 24 October 2018


"There are two pieces of music, one catchy and one classical, that always takes me back to the Rocky Mountains. The catchy one gives me a dark night in the woods, a little western town, a cafe's interior, and a rotund waiter whose salutation to us was always, "Hallo, you folks!"

(Frederick Niven)

"The Bow river does not slide or rustle like prairie rivers. But brawls across blue pebbles and a greenish tinge in its waters hints of snow."

(Rudyard Kipling)

Monday, 15 October 2018


"British Columbia, the genteel Siberia, that was neither genteel nor a Siberia, but undiscovered, perhaps that undiscoverable paradise."

(Malcolm Lowry)

"The artist reserves the right to remove a blot on the landscape, to change positions of things, to suit his composition, providing only that he does not transgress the laws of probability."

(Walter J Phillips)

Thursday, 30 August 2018

Romney Marsh

"An historical patina covers their buildings more deeply than any others, in England at least. Indeed I know of no place save for Paris, where memories seem to think on every stone."

(Ford Maddox Ford)

" I see no trend running through my work; I simply get on with my life and my painting."

(John Piper)

Monday, 13 August 2018

Romney Marsh

"The peace and prettiness of the whole land here...has been good to me, and I stay on with unabated relish..."

(Henry James)

"This level tract has by the bounty of the sea been by degrees added to the land, so that I may not without reason call it 'The Gift of the Seas."

(Camden. Brittanica Antiqua 1607)